Portrait Drawing Manchester

Portrait Drawing Manchester 2014

The portrait below was created using medium weight cartridge paper, charcoal and conte crayon including breaks it took 2 hours.  If you want to learn some of the techniques used in this drawing then contact louissmithart@gmail.com, call 07960989666 or facebook.com/louissmithpainting

Portrait Drawing Manchester
Portrait Drawing Manchester. The portrait below was created using medium weight cartridge paper, charcoal and conte crayon including breaks it took 2 hours. If you want to learn some of the techniques used in this drawing then contact louissmithart@gmail.com, call 07960989666 or facebook.com/louissmithpainting


Life Drawing Classes Manchester Northern Quarter

Life Drawing Classes Manchester Northern Quarter.  Went to a class organised through meet up in the Northern Quarter last night.  Expensive at £10 but the model was good, tall and very sinewy.  It was the usual 3, 5, 10 and 20 min poses, good for loosening up.

Downside – no easels or direct lighting to cast a strong shadow on the figure and I prefer a 2 hour pose, I guess Im used to Chris’s Class over at Phoenix house.

Highlights – wine and crisps at half time and a smorgasbord of cheese at the end, very civilised.

20 mins line drawing

Life Drawing Classes Manchester Northern Quarter

Lucy Jadore Models

Lucy, Jadore Models, painted this morning. It’s one of my 3.5 hour attempts.  Started at 9.30 wanted to give up at 11.00 as it looked a mess.  At 12.00 I forced myself to carry on for another hour.  Pulled it together in the last 45 mins.

Lucy Jadore Models


Had Lucy from Jadore Models around on Monday, she’s quite young so her father accompanied her.  I like interesting faces so I’ve painted a quick portrait of him too.
